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Loại tài liệuTư liệu ngôn ngữ (Sách)
Chỉ số ISBN 9781848445390
Mã ngôn ngữ vie
K3165 .C66
Tên tác giả Ginsburg, Tom
Tác giả liên quan Dixon, Rosalind
Thông tin nhan đề Comparative constitutional law / edited by Tom Ginsburg and Rosalind Dixon
Xuẩt bản,phát hành Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, 2011
Mô tả vật lý 668 p. ; 25 cm
Tóm tắt/chú giải This landmark volume of specially commissioned, original contributions by top international scholars organizes the issues and controversies of the rich and rapidly maturing field of comparative constitutional law. Divided into sections on constitutional design and redesign, identity, structure, individual rights and state duties, courts and constitutional interpretation, this comprehensive volume covers dozens of countries as well as a range of approaches to the boundaries of constitutional law. While some chapters reference the text of legal instruments expressly labeled constitutional, others focus on the idea of entrenchment or take a more functional approach. Challenging the current boundaries of the field, the contributors offer diverse perspectives - cultural, historical and institutional - as well as suggestions for future research. A unique and enlightening volume, Comparative Constitutional Law is an essential resource for students and scholars of the subject
Từ khóa 1. Comparative constitutional law. 2. Comparative law. 3. Constitutional law.
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