1 | | European Labour law / Roger Blanpain . - The Netherlands : Kluwer law international, 2010. - 958 p. ; 24cm. - Thông tin xếp giá: C16120001536 |
2 | | Law and practice of the european convention on human rights and the european social charter / Donna Gomien, David Harris, Leo Zwaak . - Strasboug Cedex : Council of Europe, 1996. - 512p . ; 24cm. - Harris, David Zwaak, Leo Thông tin xếp giá: 20092887, C13120000028 |
3 | | Law of the european convention on human rights / DJ Harris, M O'Boyle, C Warbrick . - London : Butterworth Co, 1995. - 753p . ; 23cm. - Warbrick, C O'Boyle, M Thông tin xếp giá: 20093761, C13120000027 |