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Loại tài liệuTư liệu ngôn ngữ (Sách)
Chỉ số ISBN 0198257651
Mã ngôn ngữ eng
KD1480 .C64
Tên tác giả McKendrick, Ewan
Tác giả liên quan McKendrick, Ewan
Thông tin nhan đề Commercial aspects of trusts and fiduciary obligations / Edited by Ewan McKendrick
Xuẩt bản,phát hành New York : Oxford University press, 2003
Mô tả vật lý 297p. ; 22cm
Tóm tắt/chú giải Part I: Statutory regulation of financial services and general fiduciary obligations: 1. Fiduciary law and the modern commercial world; 2. The statutory regulation of financial services in the United Kingdom and the Development of Chinese Walls in managing conflicts of interest; 3. The relationship between regulations Governing the Financial services industry and fiduciary duties under the General law; Part II: Directors' Duties to Shareholders, Creditors, and Employees: 4. Diretors, Creditors, and Shareholders; 5. Directors' Fiduciary Duties and Individual shareholders; 6. Directors' Duties to shareholders, Employees, and Other Creditors: A view from the continent; Part III: Trusts in the Recovery of Misapplied Assets: 7. The Recovery of a Director's Improper Gains: proprietary remedies for infringement of non-proprietary rights; 8. Trusts in the recovery of misapplied assets: tracing, trusts, and restitution; 9. The treatment of trust assets English insolvency law; Part IV: Assets protection for Multinational companies and their shareholders: 10. Assets protection for multinational corporations; 11. The Adaptation of the assets protection trust for use by the multination: The American perspective
Từ khóa 1. Commercial law. 2. Commercial law. 3. Trusts and trustees.
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