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Mã ngôn ngữ eng
K4603 .F76
Thông tin nhan đề From Gatt to the WTO : The multilateral trading system in the new millennium
Xuẩt bản,phát hành The Hague : Kluwer Law International, 2000
Mô tả vật lý 183p. : 24cm
Tóm tắt/chú giải 1. Opening Remarks at the 50th Anniversary symposium: Renato Ruggiero, Director Generral of the WTO; 2.Opening Remarks at the 50th Anniversary symposium: Alxander Swoboda, Director of the Graduate Institute of International Studies; 3. The future Agenda of the WTO; 4. Pragmatism Versus Principple in GATT Decision-Making: A Brief Historical Perspective; 5. Fifty Years of the GATT/WTO: Lessons from the Past for Strategies for the future; 6. Fifty Years: Looking Back, Looking Foward; 7. Dispute Settlement and the WTO: Emerging Problems; 8. The WTO's New Horizons; 9. Looking Back to Look Foward: The Multilateral Trading after 50 Years; 10. Low-Income developing Countries in the GATT/WTO Framework: The first Fifty Years and Beyond; 11. Regionalism and the WTO; 12. What Does Globalization Mean for the World Trading System; 13. Managing Liberalization, Regionalism and Globalization in the Next 50 Years
Từ khóa 1. Foreign trade regulation. 2. Tariffs.
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