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Loại tài liệuTư liệu ngôn ngữ (Sách)
Chỉ số ISBN 9783319509136
Mã ngôn ngữ eng
2400 .R43
Tên tác giả Bermann, George A
Thông tin nhan đề Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards : The interpretation and application of the New York Convention by national courts / George A., Bermann
Xuẩt bản,phát hành USA : Springer International, 2017
Mô tả vật lý 1102p . ; 24cm
Tóm tắt/chú giải This book examines how the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, commonly known as The New York Convention, has been understood and applied in [insert number] jurisdictions, including virtually all that are leading international arbitration centers. It begins with a general report surveying and synthesizing national responses to a large number of critical issues in the Convention’s interpretation and application
Từ khóa 1. Application. 2. Enforcement. 3. Foreign arbitral. 4. Interpretation. 5. National courts. 6. Recognition.
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