Dữ liệu biên mục
Loại tài liệuTư liệu ngôn ngữ (Sách)
Chỉ số ISBN 9789881342935
Mã ngôn ngữ eng
K6497 .C37
Tên tác giả Cheng, Thomas
Tác giả liên quan Colino, Sandra Marco, Ong, Burton
Thông tin nhan đề Cartels in Asia: Law & Practice / Thomas Cheng, Sandra Marco Colino, Burton Ong
Xuẩt bản,phát hành Hong Kong : Woltes Kluwer, 2015
Mô tả vật lý 353p ; 24 cm
Tóm tắt/chú giải Competition law authorities around the world almost invariably make combating cartels an enforcement priority because such forms of collusive behaviour are unequivocally harmful to competition. Hard core cartel agreements typically involve one or more of the most anti-competitive forms of conduct — price-fixing, bid-rigging, market allocation and output restrictions — and frequently attract severe legal sanctions in most competition law jurisdictions. However, despite the general agreement among these jurisdictions that cartel activities should be treated unfavourably as a matter of legal principle, the specific features of each legal regime vary from country to country as each jurisdiction must implement laws that are suited to their respective political and economic circumstances.This title seeks to provide an Asian perspective on a range of legal issues related to anti-cartel laws across a selection of countries in Asia, including Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India, Vietnam and Singapore. Our goal is to examine contemporary issues facing the competition law regimes in these countries, with their diverse political systems and market conditions, and to provide insights into the policy challenges faced by their competition authorities in the enforcement of their national anti-cartel laws
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