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Loại tài liệuTư liệu ngôn ngữ (Sách)
Mã ngôn ngữ eng
KNX68 .J37
Tên tác giả Milhaupt, Curtis J
Tác giả liên quan Ramseyer, J. Mark, West, Mark D
Thông tin nhan đề The Japanese legal system : cases, codes, and commentary / Curtis J. Milhaupt, J. Mark Ramseyer, Mark D. West
Xuẩt bản,phát hành New York : Thomson/West, 2006
Mô tả vật lý 790 p. ; 27cm
Tóm tắt/chú giải I. INTRODUCTION: The Historical Context; The Civil Law Tradition; II. THE LEGAL PROFESSION: Structure, Education and Training; Domestic Law Firms and Foreign Competition; Lawyer Scarcity – Comparative Approaches; The Judiciary; III. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Dispute in Modern Japan; Competing Explanations; Institutional Factors; IV. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Origins; The Military; Freedom of Religion; Minority Groups; V. CONTRACTS: Contract Practice; Contract Law; Comparative Perspectives; VI. TORTS: Core Concepts; Medical Malpractice; Environmental Law; Products Liability; VII. PROPERTY: Landlord-Tenant Law; Regulation; VIII. CRIMINAL LAW: Crime in Japan; Law Enforcement Institutions; Criminal Procedure and Police Behavior; IX. FAMILY LAW: The Traditional Family; Defining the Modern Family; Divorce; Birth Control; X. EMPLOYMENT LAW: Hiring, Work Conditions, and Firing; Discrimination; Sexual Harassment; XI. CORPORATE LAW AND GOVERNANCE: Basic Legal Framework; The Institutional Setting
Từ khóa 1. Constitutional law. 2. Contracts. 3. Criminal law. 4. Dispute resolution. 5. Law. 6. Legal profession.
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